Friday, September 21, 2007

The Struggle

If my struggle is not supposed to be against flesh and blood, why does the flesh and blood get on my nerves so much?

I've taught it, researched it, and wrote about it; but living it is another thing altogether. I believe that the enemy of our soul knows that he has a harder shot winning in a battle of the spirit. He (satan) does believe that he can win, because that is what pride is all about (thinking more of yourself than you ought). However, he knows that the easier battle is the one in the flesh arena.

You see, there is enough me in me that I blow it on a regular basis. I don't have to blow it, and some days are better than others, but I blow it. In the flesh, the guy in front of me when I'm in a hurry becomes the battle; and I forget the real battle is within me. This guy is not my enemy, but the anger that swells up over nothing is! The enemy is not the woman walking by, but the lust that lurks within is! To take a stupid word play on it, it's the enemy ina me.

On my knees in awareness of the Holy Spirit working in my life, satan has no chance. He will still fight and be stubborn, but he doesn't have a prayer. (Now that's irony!) When he sees that there is still too much "bobby" in me, he does figure he has an easier shot, so he seems to go for it with full force.

I must crucify that flesh, so that the Spirit of God is dominant in me.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Powerful concept.

Your wordplay, however, made me keep repeating "enema anemone" in my head.