Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Yes, I am. Back, that is. I noticed that it had been a month since my last endeavor, and before that... much longer. However, there are things that are on my mind, and I will attempt to pontificate more often. I'm not sure if that is the proper use of the word "pontificate" or not, but it seemed to fit in the flow of things.
Yesterday's vote... What can I say but, "Brutal." Not the results necessarily, but the whole campaign. Notice that I don't have to refer to any state or region, because the same could be said for anywhere. It doesn't matter where the anywhere is, because the nature of what politics has become is discouraging, to say the least.
Where are the leaders, the visionaries? The true nature of one who leads is that they don't worry about what other's are saying, they just lead. Where is the man or woman who can state four ideas for the better, which actually are found in the powers given by the constitution, and will refuse to dive into the lives of the other candidates. Where are the statesmen? Where are the ones who can articulate an idea that reasonates with the voter, not just the members of his or her party? Where are the ones who have thoughts and values not based on election polls, but would believe them either when no one else is watching or if their very life depended on them? Where are they?
The struggle is to not be negative about the negativity. It's easy to be disgusted with the whole process, and grow only bitterness and nothing else of value. I refuse to let this happen. I will remain positive and an agent for change. I will speak of vision and betterment for our world, and will work to make it come true.
There is more. However, there is no time. Look later.