Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Riding to school this morning, Jonathan talked of a cartoon that he does not watch, but had an idea on.

"Dad, you know Dora? It's weird, she tries to teach everyone spanish when they don't want to learn. And, she talks to animals... strangely. It's strangely because Diego's kind of cool... (long pause)... but not really."

This led to a mini-conversation about Go Diego Go. Now, the marketing people missed this one. Dora, while popular to little girls, never achieved her true fame because part of the market (boys) was totally missed. Dora's cousin, Diego, was seen in a few early episodes, and now has his own show. However, the Dora train has left the station, and they just can't pull the boys in with this one. I have had this conversation with my son, Jonah, apparently, because...

Jonathan (after realizing that he almost said Diego was cool): "It's OK, but..."

Jonah (age 10): "Yeah, dad. They came out with Diego too late, didn't they?"

Dad (me): "They probably did. It's OK, though. Some people like it."

Jonathan: "Yeah."

Jonah: "Yeah."

All I was thinking was... "strangely??"

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