Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 - I Remember

For those of you who think that the term "9/11" is overused or now a political tool or a cover-up of a government plot or anything else, I open this short blog to say, "I don't care about your agenda or lack thereof."

I remember getting a semi-late start that day when my wife came to me and said, "Turn on the TV. Something's happening in New York. The World Trade Center has been hit by a plane." She had taken our oldest son to his mother's -day-out and had heard a report on the radio. We stood in shock viewing the events unfold before our eyes, and prayed for the people involved. We did not yet understand that this was an attack on our nation, and it was our son's 4th birthday, so we moved forward with the events of the day.

We took cupcakes to his class (which is why he went to school that day anyway) and then checked him out for a short day at the Nashville Zoo. The roads were quiet, and we noticed that police cars blocked the entry to the small, local airport. The zoo was also quiet, with most children being in school. We began to pick up on the reports that this was, in fact, an organized attack, and our prayers shifted to our nation and it's leaders.

So, I remember:

Life goes on for a child. In the middle of turmoil, I must keep a clear head and allow things to be as normal as possible for the innocent among us, even if it means a trip to the zoo.

The man who didn't call his own family, but led co-workers (who were all about to die together) in a prayer while sitting helplessly in the offices in the floors above the crash site.

That we are not guaranteed the next second.

That we didn't start this. However, we were willing to step into what was already started and stand up for ourselves.

That most will not remember.

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