Saturday, November 24, 2007

Global Warming... er... Climate Change

I have found in my exhaustive research (or maybe it was just not being stupid of people and attitudes) that the environment tends to be one of those "either / or" issues. Note: I don't think it really is but since we label people if we hear those certain trigger phrases come out of one's mouth it becomes an "either/or."

If you believe warming/climate change then you are a wacko, tree-hugging liberal OR if you question the premise (at all) then you are a earth-hating, money-hungry Republican. I will note that you will never be called a "conservative," but you will automatically fit into the Republican camp (with the big "R"). This is how some (a lot) think, so you better get used to the labeling!

I have my views, and will further explain them beginning soon in a new blog I am working on, but for now I veer from the usual fodder of the site to simply observe that:
This thing is genius for those who want to capitalize on it!

"What do you mean?" you gasp. "This is a real threat!" Well, that is not really the debate here, but the opportunity for some to cash in is.

Here goes:

If the entire planet gets 178 thousand degrees in a few years, those in power can say, "Big business pushed us past the breaking point. If only we would have started sooner. Maybe now we can punish big business" However, if it all turns around, then it can be said, "Look what we have done! Our efforts at saving the planet have worked! We must not stop the Utopian process. More, more, more!!!!!"

You see?

Win. Win.

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