Friday, February 09, 2007

Oh my word!

I wrote just a few moments ago about sickness, but I just experienced a moment that made me stop and reflect. Holly and I are sitting in the living room and TLC is on the tube. On TLC... What Not To Wear! Now, I have sat through this show long enough for a few things to happen. Originally there was another man (I use that term loosely) host to go with the woman. He got canned, and a new guy has been around awhile. Secondly, we want to make good on our idea to put Holly in sweat pants and messed up hair then send in a pic so we can get the $5000 of new clothes for her. If you haven't seen the show, it's about fashion and stuff. Here is the moment...
I looked up from my laptop and said, "You know, those colors in that dress would make her look odd with her hair color." The question is... am I still a guy? Not a very good one at the moment I can tell you. I feel so bad about those words coming out of my mouth that I am blogging about it to get it out and then go look at a football website. It's all I got while overcoming the flu.

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