You see, there are those who consider themselves "intellectual" just because they are always discussing the profound. The fact that they are unsure of anything is mistakenly seen as being "open-minded." However, isn't endless discussion really just futility???
When someone is sure of something that disagrees with a belief set of those who question, the "sure" one is seen as brainwashed or intellectually inferior or some such nonsense as that. Note it is the disagreement that the ever questioning have a problem with. Now, I believe that there are times when we draw lines that aren't there, and set as foundation points items that are really nothing more than opinion or tradition. This creates a wall that those who are truly still searching cannot seem to climb over or get around. The bottom line, though, is that the only real reason to question is to find an answer.
Is it too much to believe that there is an answer out there? While I am still unsure of a lot, to be intellectually alert you must concede that there is a chance that I have asked some questions myself that I have actually found an answer for. That doesn't make me brainwashed or close minded, but it means that I have followed a line of rational thinking and come to a conclusion. If anything, I am not thick-headed enough to miss the forest for the trees.
The scientific method is this (at it's basic level):
- You have an idea (theory)
- You run some tests to see if the idea is correct (or not)
- You go with the results of the test
Most of the ultra-questioners, however:
- Start with an idea
- Look for results that would prove their idea, or fix the test (question) to back up their idea
- Continue to question anyone who thinks otherwise
With regard to the Christian faith, and my belief in Christ... I am sure. I have questioned and found the answer. He is Jesus.
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