I love politics, and I hate it. It reminds me of the joke from the mental hospital:
Roses are red, violets are blue. I'm a schizophrenic, and so am I.
I love the thought that ideas can be debated and exchanged. The notion that we are all in it for the same purpose, the betterment of the country, with only the nuances of how the system can accomplish it's goal being different. I love that we wave the flag and shake hands with our colleagues and are in awe of the halls of Congress.
I hate that it has become about sound-bites and rallying the crowd. I hate that the only thing that is said is what the particular group you are standing in front of wants to hear. I hate that if you are "for" something it automatically means that you are violently against something else. I hate that the ones who are for "less government" are taking away our freedom and liberty and those who are for "equality for all" are willing to deny the rights of those they don't agree with.
If you have a "D" by your name you are seen as a whack-job and if you have an "R" your are seen as a war-monger. I hate that we label just as soon as we hear a thought. In this, we don't hear all of the ideas of anyone, OR we just assume that we know what is meant because they are one of "them." (Insert any party)
We need to heed the words of Franklin as to our government. We have,
A Republic, if you [we] can keep it.
This means we look for leaders who we trust enough to do what is right, even if it is not popular. This means we look for leaders who will stand on the basic principles this country was founded on, not just the whim of the day. This means we actually get involved in the process, while respecting the rights (and actually, mandate) of others to get involved as well.
Oh, and I have a way to fix the problem with Social Security.
And it is...?
To find out more information, you can go to my campaign website which is www.bobs-america.com
Actually, the basic thing is to stop it. I know, I know. FDR actually only meant it for a temporary solution. Like anything:
People get power.
They realize you like things.
If they give you things, they will stay in power.
Go ahead, label me. I'm not heartless, though. I think you have to get out of it gradually. Here's the plan:
Most under the age of 40 would gladly opt out if they could, and would probably even write off what they had given in for the sake of the cause. Heck, we wouldn't even ask for the employer's part, just our 7+%. Then, we are responsible to invest it or spend it or something. Those 50 and above would continue to pay in as they have, and would receive as normal. That 40-50 year-old range would be allowed to either drop out completely or stay in on a graduated scale of both SSI removed from their check and a reduction of potential benefits.
At a minimum, in 25 years all are off SSI. You have gained more by smart investing. Business cost of hiring you will be 7+% less. At least THAT part of the system is chilled.
The side part is that all 65 and older don't pay taxes of any kind. Sales, Income, Whatever. It would be easy to do, because churches and others have paperwork to remove sales tax. Just create a special card, or something.
Very, very quick response. I hope there are not typos in the thing.
I...do you...it just...
This is good. I like this. I could get behind this.
First of all, I think I like your idea about Social Security. I would contest that most people will not be responsible enough to save or invest for themselves, which is indeed a real problem. But those same people (and more) are now using SS as an excuse not to save or invest now, thinking they can retire and live off that fixed income, which is a sad, sad myth. I think I would rather have no SS -- and no excuses -- than the current system. Kudos, Bob.
Second of all... You think I'm crazy, don't you? I've fallen off hte deep end. Help me!
(For the record, biting comments on Joe's blog are almost always in jest...)
You are crazy, but not for the comments on Joe's blog.
I may use my blog to further explain AND explain away positions on both sides. It is just humorous to me that those who consider themselves "open-minded" and rational are most of the time more closed-minded and irrational as the ones they protest against.
I just had a grand idea. Wait for it....
Yes, I agree. With the open-mindedness comment, not the me being crazy comment.
Speaking of me being crazy, though, since Jeremy has been youth pastor, I have become more open to The Message, with some stipulations, of course. Just remembered a conversation we had a few years ago...
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