Friday, September 28, 2007

Roles in family and ministry - thoughts in process...

I am working on some things in my head and heart about “order in the home” and it carried over to order in the ministry and this community. I thought about people stepping out of their God-defined roles. The thought occurred to me that, “Just because you can, does not mean you should.” There may not be a father/husband to act as the spiritual leader, but that does not mean you should step into that role in the family. You could probably “do” the job, but it does not mean you should. We are simply required to walk in the authority and role that God has called us to, and let Him (God) handle the empty places. It’s like this, if something happened to Holly, then I could be tempted to be both mom and dad to my boys. The fact is that things would never operate properly if I attempted that. All I would need to concentrate on is being the best dad that I could be (my God-given role), and pray that God would fill the other needs. If I operated outside of my role then I will never be truly effective within my role.

The phrase, “just because you can, does not mean you should,” moved my thoughts into ministry. I am the new president of the ministerial association here, and I am attempting to take the ministers into new relationships and thought processes. There have been those in the community who have had the ability to “take over” within the confines of “church” growth and success. The problem is that when they start trying to build their church, the kingdom church gets lost in the process. I could imagine them thinking, “Man, we can build this (their church/ministry)!” rather than thinking, “How can our church/ministry help build THIS (the Kingdom)?” Even our ministerial association should have the thought process not of building the association, but how can the association build the Kingdom? Our denomination should not be wondering how we can build the machine, but how can we find our place and work with others to build the Kingdom?

What is my place, and how can I plug in for the Kingdom’s sake?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Contemplation... this is where I fail.

Quote from the book, “Wasted on Jesus”
Inward contemplation that does not issue forth in outward action will become
stagnant and lifeless, like the water in the Dead Sea, because it has no
outlet. On the other hand, outward action that is not preceded by inward
contemplation will be devoid of revelation.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The Struggle

If my struggle is not supposed to be against flesh and blood, why does the flesh and blood get on my nerves so much?

I've taught it, researched it, and wrote about it; but living it is another thing altogether. I believe that the enemy of our soul knows that he has a harder shot winning in a battle of the spirit. He (satan) does believe that he can win, because that is what pride is all about (thinking more of yourself than you ought). However, he knows that the easier battle is the one in the flesh arena.

You see, there is enough me in me that I blow it on a regular basis. I don't have to blow it, and some days are better than others, but I blow it. In the flesh, the guy in front of me when I'm in a hurry becomes the battle; and I forget the real battle is within me. This guy is not my enemy, but the anger that swells up over nothing is! The enemy is not the woman walking by, but the lust that lurks within is! To take a stupid word play on it, it's the enemy ina me.

On my knees in awareness of the Holy Spirit working in my life, satan has no chance. He will still fight and be stubborn, but he doesn't have a prayer. (Now that's irony!) When he sees that there is still too much "bobby" in me, he does figure he has an easier shot, so he seems to go for it with full force.

I must crucify that flesh, so that the Spirit of God is dominant in me.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Riding to school this morning, Jonathan talked of a cartoon that he does not watch, but had an idea on.

"Dad, you know Dora? It's weird, she tries to teach everyone spanish when they don't want to learn. And, she talks to animals... strangely. It's strangely because Diego's kind of cool... (long pause)... but not really."

This led to a mini-conversation about Go Diego Go. Now, the marketing people missed this one. Dora, while popular to little girls, never achieved her true fame because part of the market (boys) was totally missed. Dora's cousin, Diego, was seen in a few early episodes, and now has his own show. However, the Dora train has left the station, and they just can't pull the boys in with this one. I have had this conversation with my son, Jonah, apparently, because...

Jonathan (after realizing that he almost said Diego was cool): "It's OK, but..."

Jonah (age 10): "Yeah, dad. They came out with Diego too late, didn't they?"

Dad (me): "They probably did. It's OK, though. Some people like it."

Jonathan: "Yeah."

Jonah: "Yeah."

All I was thinking was... "strangely??"

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Chuck E. Cheese

Went to a birthday party on Friday night for my nephew, and by piggy back (because we had already had a party), for my son who turned 10 on Tuesday.

Chuck E. Cheese, for those of you who have never been there, is simply a crooked casino for kids. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Also, there is a giant rodent who dances a birthday dance with one and all. My kids used to be terrified of him, as well as all other puppet like creatures.

I am afraid of spider monkees, as well as other things small and chaotic.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 - I Remember

For those of you who think that the term "9/11" is overused or now a political tool or a cover-up of a government plot or anything else, I open this short blog to say, "I don't care about your agenda or lack thereof."

I remember getting a semi-late start that day when my wife came to me and said, "Turn on the TV. Something's happening in New York. The World Trade Center has been hit by a plane." She had taken our oldest son to his mother's -day-out and had heard a report on the radio. We stood in shock viewing the events unfold before our eyes, and prayed for the people involved. We did not yet understand that this was an attack on our nation, and it was our son's 4th birthday, so we moved forward with the events of the day.

We took cupcakes to his class (which is why he went to school that day anyway) and then checked him out for a short day at the Nashville Zoo. The roads were quiet, and we noticed that police cars blocked the entry to the small, local airport. The zoo was also quiet, with most children being in school. We began to pick up on the reports that this was, in fact, an organized attack, and our prayers shifted to our nation and it's leaders.

So, I remember:

Life goes on for a child. In the middle of turmoil, I must keep a clear head and allow things to be as normal as possible for the innocent among us, even if it means a trip to the zoo.

The man who didn't call his own family, but led co-workers (who were all about to die together) in a prayer while sitting helplessly in the offices in the floors above the crash site.

That we are not guaranteed the next second.

That we didn't start this. However, we were willing to step into what was already started and stand up for ourselves.

That most will not remember.

Saturday, September 08, 2007


There's an old joke that goes like this:
Roses are red, violets are blue. I'm a schizophrenic, and so am I.
This statement defines me when it comes to several things. For one, whenever I take personality tests I come out as the guy who is comfortable in a large group setting and taking charge, but would love to be marooned on an island with only my thoughts to guide me. When it comes to music I love the wail of a hard guitar and drum beat, but also want my wife and I to find a back alley coffee shop with Norah Jones playing a solo set. I am a pastor, yet I find the religious community generally gets on my nerves (however, I really am working on this last one.)

In my worship context, I find that there is something about me that is different than a group that I am a part of. So, in essence, I am now not only schizophrenic within myself, but schizophrenic with those who are like me. When it comes to music (which we have mistakenly labeled "worship") I find that I want to be cut. I want to groan because of the truths proclaimed not only by prophetic voices but from the instruments as well. I want the feeling to cause me to fall to my knees as I become aware of a holy and loving God. I want the struggle and the joy of this understanding to bring laughter and weeping at the same time. I want to dance, even though I will look silly doing it. I could stay in this place forever.

When it comes to the Word (which we have labeled "preaching") I want to learn. I want to learn not just for learning sake, but to be changed. I want to be opened up by the scalpel and let a work be done in me with surgical precision, and I want to be changed because of this procedure. I need to hurt for a moment after the truth is revealed; yet I also need to be drawn to the one who can heal the hurt.

This differs from others in my tradition in a couple of ways. One, music should not last too long and should generally make you shout before a sermon, and weep after one. Two, the sermon is the most important thing, and should also make you shout, unless you need to repent (read: not already a Christian), and then you need to weep. There is worship, then the word, and they are not the same. The worship (read: music) is not more important than the word, and the word should be told loudly and charismatically. Anything less is dead. That reminds me, a vast number of cliches should be used if those in the audience are not responding (read: shouting) to the preaching of the word correctly.

I know this sounds like I am against the others, but I am not. I do not like to define myself by what I am not, so I just want to give my ideas and say that I am not some people I am supposed to be like.

I believe that I can be changed in the presence of God however it is that I enter into His presence. I also know that when we worship God, He meets with us. When He meets with us then others (even those who do not know "how" to worship) can be changed by His presence. The Bible is referred to as a "sword," but all too often it is used as a club to beat an unbeliever over the head with. I believe it is a weapon against the enemies of the spirit (Satan) and a knife for surgery in the believers. I want to be inspired by and stand in child-like awe of the Creator and King of all. I want my culture and world to be impacted because I know God, and He knows me.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The End of the Beginning

Have you ever heard the statement: "The beginning of the end..."? It brings about connotations of doom and despair, and only a matter of time until ultimate destruction comes your way. It is not a phrase of hope. What it means is that there is a definite time when the cogs set in motion a process that cannot be stopped until the "end." It is a moment when there is no turning back, and there is nothing more that can be done.

My question... "Can you know when this moment happens?" Does the moment take a millisecond, a minute, or longer; or is it a process of happenings that take you to that point of no return? Anyway, hindsight tells us that there was a moment when it all started going downhill, and that is the beginning of the end. If something different had been done, another action taken place, perhaps the end could be avoided; but it wasn't, and the end is inevitable.

My question is now... "Is there an end of the beginning?" This might sound a little silly, but bear with me. If life is made to be lived to the full, when does that "full" life start? If life is meant to mean something, is all of the meaningless and humdrum motions of life really living? Is part of your life a setup just to begin you on the process of purpose?

I believe that there is a point when God says, "OK, now GO!" It doesn't mean that He wasn't watching over you before or didn't care about your direction, but that everything you have experienced up to that point was just to get you ready to go. Life, to that moment, was a setup. It was training. Now, the race can begin. I know what you are thinking... "What?!?"

An example: (Note: this is not a comment regarding a pro-life or pro-choice stance, but just an example)

Conception occurs and a baby is forming in it's mother's womb. It eats, grows and develops until the day of it's official birth takes place. There are screams from the mother, a breath is taken in, and then screams from the babe itself. A birthday occurs, and a new life comes into the world. Wow, a new beginning.

You see, the period in the womb was setting the baby up for it's purpose. It was training. Now... the race can begin. The moment before the first breath marked the end of the beginning. The idea is that the beginning of this new life did not take place in this one moment, but it (the life) was being prepared for 40 weeks prior.

Perhaps all that we have been going through is simply developing us for the moment to begin. I believe that this might be the case. However, now the question becomes two-fold: Begin when? and Begin what? I don't have the answer to those questions for you, but I do know your whole life has been set up to fulfill the purpose of the answers. The answers will be found when your heart "clicks," when it skips a beat as you realize that you are doing the thing you love. In the times when you are just going through the motions and feel meaningless learn to look for the lessons that you need to learn. Use that as the time to develop. Soon, I believe, the end of your training will come and your life will begin. Your heart will flutter. It will feel... right.

The training for the race is not fun, but the race cannot be accomplished without the training.

I'm back... (again)

I'm back from a vacation, and boy are my arms tired. Wait, that's not exactly how that joke goes. Oh, well

The family took much needed time off for Hol and I to reflect and just "be." We don't do that enough. This was the first time we were away from our church for two Sundays in a row. Things have not blown up, it appears, but usually bombs don't tick anymore with all of the digital technology that is out there. This is a new page in our lives, and we're actually pretty stoked with the adventure ahead.

That last sentence made two thoughts come to my mind.

(1) The word "pretty" is used incorrectly when used as an adjective in this way. I had a teacher correct that all of the time. In today's scholastic system, I could pull something about creative license or something, and I would get a gold star. Speaking of that, I did have a weird teacher in high school who gave a student an A for the quarter for putting his desk upside down. It was pretty much a free for all with the desks after we heard that one! No dice for us, though.

(2) The thing about the adventure. I'm not sure how things will fall into place here, but I am sure of two things. First, things seem to be setting up for something to happen. Some things that we have been working on for some time are slowly forming themselves into something. Second, we have determined that we are going to focus on our priorities and act on them in good faith instead of waiting for something to happen.

I can't wait for it all!