Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I have been doing a lot of thinking, and subsequently a lot of speaking and teaching, on the subject of "distractions." Specifically, what keeps us from doing what we know to do. Sometimes the distraction is that we don't know, and other times we are afraid of doing what we know to do. How diligently do we follow our dreams, and do these dreams coincide with our true purpose. Is the distraction that the don't coincide?? Is the goal untouchable so we give up?

These are the things on my mind.

I am convinced that more could be, and should be done by the community of Christ. I get frustrated with others because of their lack of accomplishment and then I look in the mirror and realize that I am truly no better. Too many times the work we actually do is simply for the congregations of Christ themselves(i.e. building buildings, raising budgets, singing songs) rather than the world we live in. Too many times our work for the world is for others that we will never see (which is a good thing in and of itself) and is at the detriment of the world on our front porch.

Here's what I know:
- I would rather send than go.
- I would rather speak than do.
- I would rather fuss than fix.
- I would rather dream than implement.
- I would rather debate than demonstrate.

I don't like these things about me (or our world), but I want them to change.

I'm working on them to change.

I'm sorry they are hard to change.

They will change.

1 comment:

Scott Reed said...

I am faced with the same delima. I was asked to come on staff at Fair Haven as Associate Pastor in charge of "Outreach". Probably the weakest part of my ministry. Good thoughts.