Monday, April 07, 2008

Back from Israel

I'm back from Israel, complete with unending jet-lag and a blog to chronicle the details. The blog about Israel is here.

I have a confession to make. I'm liking the vibe. Am I nuts? I'm going to have to choose.

Anyway, quick story about Israel. I was in the city of Tiberias which is on the Sea of Galilee, and an old guy is playing an accordian down by the sea (lake, actually). I walk up to listen to him, and then tell him, "Very nice," after which I place a dollar in his hat. He is very excited that I am an American, and tells me, "We want only America here." I told him that I wanted only Israel, too, because that seemed like an appropriate response.

He is so happy that he proceeds to play me our national anthem on the accordian. He began...

(Hum the words in "accordian" sound to get the full picture)

"Happy Birthday to You..."
"Happy Birthday to You..."

I saluted him as he was playing. I think he was pleased.